Journal Manuscript Guideline

1. The text should be written in Word format, using 1.5-line spacing, 12 font size in main sections, 10 font size in other sections such as footnotes, summaries, references and tables and Times New Roman font.

2. The visual material that the author desires to be included in the text should be in accordance with the printing techniques. The submitted photos must be ”jpeg“, ”tiff“ or ”png" with a resolution of at least 500 dpi.

3. Tables and figures should be included in the text.All tables and charts should be given a title and a sequence number.Equations should also be given a sequence number and the sequence number should appear on the right side of the page in parentheses.

4. Tables and figures should be sent in "Excel" format.

5. The introduction and conclusion of the article should not be numbered. The subsequent chapters should be numbered so that only the first letters are capitals.

Page Structure
The articles should be written with top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm, right 3 cm, left 3 cm, volume margin zero (0), volume margin location left margin.

Title of the Article

Only initials should be capitalized; font size should be 12 pt, bold, single-spaced and centered in Times New Roman font.

Author(s) of the Article

a) If the article has a single author, the author's name should be written two lines below the title, justified to the left; the first name should be written in lower case, the last name in upper case, in 10-point font and in bold. The footnote placed above the last name (not in parentheses) and the author's academic title, university, faculty, college, institution name, department and e-mail address information should be written clearly and plainly at the end of the page, with periods in between, in 10-point font.

b) If the article has two authors, the authors' names and surnames should be written two lines below the title, both justified to the left and one above the other, with separate footnote numbers as specified above.

Abstract and Keyword Writing

Turkish and English abstracts should be between 150 and 200 words, indicating the purpose of the article, the methods used, and the issues included in the study.
Keywords should be written in 10-point font, straight, clear, and left-aligned, just below the Turkish / English abstracts. A minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords should be used.

References, Footnotes and Bibliography

The author may prefer to make references within the text instead of adding footnotes. If references are made in the text they should be shown in parentheses. The bibliography will also be prepared in accordance with this referencing system. Below, there are examples of different writing formats and sources of different kinds in the references and bibliography of the text;

a) Books and articles written by single author:

Referencing in the text (book):
(Arıcı, 1999: 26).

If the reference is made to more than one work of the same author published in the same year:
(Arıcı, 1999a: 35, 1999b: 40).

In the bibliography:

Arıcı, Kadir (1999a) Social Security Lectures, (Ankara: Name of the Printing House/Publishing Company)
Arıcı, Kadir (1999b) Name of the book, (Ankara: Name of the Printing House/Publishing Company)

Referencing in the text (article):
(Alper, 1997: 10).

In the bibliography:
Alper, Yusuf (1997). Social Security and Determination of Retirement Age. Name of the Journal. Volume, Issue, page range.

b) Books and articles written by two authors:

Referencing in the text (book):
(Tuncay and Ekmekçi, 2011: 188).

In the bibliography:
Tuncay, Can and Ömer Ekmekçi (2011). Social Security Law Lectures. (İstanbul Name of the Printing House/Publishing Company)

Referencing in the text (article):
(Polat and Cam, 2014: 19).

In the bibliography:
Polat, Celal and Erdem Cam (2014). Fundamental Rights: The Product of Case Law? Before the Treaty of Lisbon. Journal of European Research. Volume 21, Issue 1.

c) Books and articles written by more than two authors:

Referencing in the text (book):
(Fişek, Özşuca et al., 1998: 98).

In the bibliography:
Fişek, Gürhan; Özşuca, Şerife Türcan and Mehmet Ali Şuğle (1998). History of the Social Security Institution 1946-1996. Ankara: Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey, Social Security Institution. Issue No: 598.

The articles written by more than two authors will take place in the bibliography in accordance with the above example, and the references will be made according to this example.

d) Articles included in collective works:

Referencing in the text:
(Riddell, 1994:53).

In the bibliography:
Riddell, Peter (1994). Major and Parliament. The Major Effect (Ed: Dennis Kavanagh and Anthony Seldon). London: Macmillan. 46-63.

Referencing in the text:
(Üstündağ and Yoltar, 2007: 73-76).

In the bibliography:
Üstündağ, Nazan and Çağrı Yoltar (2007). Transformation of the Health System in Turkey, A State Ethnography”, Health Policies, Reforms, Problems, Discussions in Europe and Turkey (Compiled by Çağlar Keyder, Nazan Üstündağ, Tuba Ağartan, Çağrı Yoltar), İstanbul: İletişim Publications, 55-9.

e) Institutional Publications:

Referencing in the text:
(Social Security Institution, 2012: Page No).

In the bibliography:
SGK (Social Security Institution) (2012), Social Security in the European Union, Ankara.

f) Internet Sources:
Referencing in the text:
(Makal, 2006).
In the bibliography:
Makal, Ahmet (2006), Work Obligation as a Painful Experience of Social History of Zonguldak and Turkey. []. (05.02.2013).
Referencing in the text:
(SGK, 2012).
In the bibliography:
SGK (Social Security Institution). (2012). Different Insurance Conditions and Retirement Opportunity Provided for Housewives (20.12.2012). [ farklisigortalilik-sartlari-ve-emeklilik-imkani/]. (10.07.2013).

g) Other than these, abbreviations should be used in the text for the references which will be made to various official publications or legislations with long titles. For example, CSL for the Civil Servants Law, LFAK for the Law on Firearms and Knives.

h) Footnotes should be used for explanations other than references.
In APA writing style, the use of footnotes and endnotes is not preferred. Therefore, as few footnotes as possible should be used. Footnotes should only be used when an essential explanatory note is needed.